small business franchise

Why Are Food Franchising Turnover Rates So High?

The fast food and chain restaurant industries are labeled as high-turnover industries, and rightfully so. When we say turnover rates, we are referring to the percentage of employees an employer loses in a year. According to an article in The Economist, the turnover rates within these industries is averaging around 100%

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What does real franchisor support look like?

So, you have imagined a vison of business ownership. You’ve done your research, and you’ve established what you want in a business model and have decided to purchase a franchise. At this point, you are ready to begin your journey. You are excited about following a system to success, but

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Benefits of a small business franchise (SBA)

Often large corporations can have a scary stigma of greed, selfishness, money hungry, no “think local” attitude, and a reputation of treating their team like hired help. Because of this, a lot of people shy away from getting involved in the corporate world, despite the financial and growth benefits that

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